The Night
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:24 p.m.
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What has come o-ver me
What mad-ness ta-ken hold of my heart
To run a-way, the on-ly an-swer
Pul-ling me a-way
To fall u-pon the night
The source of my re-covery
Sweet sha-dow ta-king hold of the light
A-no-ther day has been de-vo-ured
Cal-ling me a-way, beg-ging the que-stion
For sa-ving me from all they've ta-ken
Let-ting my ar-mor fall a-gain
Gi-ving me the strength to face them
Fee-ling it ta-king o-ver now
On a path to take it all a-way
There can be no bet-ter way of kno-wing
In a world be-yond con-trol-ling
Are you going to de-ny the sa-vior
In front of your eyes
Stare in-to the night
Po-wer be-yond con-tai-ning
Are you going to re-main a slave for
The rest of your life
Give in-to the night
This self di-sco-ve-ry
Re-demp-tion ta-king hold of my mind
A se-re-nade of haun-ting voi-ces
Cal-ling me a-way
To feast u-pon
The source of my fe-li-ci-ty
Dark mai-den ta-king hold of my hand
Lead me a-way from hi-ber-na-tion
Strong and un-a-fraid
Ne-ver a ques-tion why
For sa-ving me from all they've ta-ken
Let-ting my ar-mor fall a-gain
Gi-ving me the strength to face them
Fee-ling it ta-king o-ver now
On a path to take it all a-way
There can be no bet-ter way of kno-wing
In a world be-yond con-trol-ling
Are you going to de-ny the sa-vior
In front of your eyes
Stare in-to the night
Po-wer be-yond con-tai-ning
Are you going to re-main a slave for
The rest of your life
Give in-to the night
Give in-to the night
In a world be-yond con-trol-ling
Are you going to de-ny the sa-vior
In front of your eyes
Stare in-to the night
Po-wer be-yond con-tai-ning
Are you going to re-main a slave for
The rest of your life
Give in-to the night
Give in-to the night
Give in-to the night
Give in-to the night